About Us

Message From Chairman


May I wish you “Happy New Year” as we start 2024! Last year was the Seventeenth year in Hydro Solutions Group business plan and the company worked steadily to achieve the goals we set, including gaining strength and profit, combined with value creating add-on acquisitions for the company. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to everyone at Hydro Solutions Group and our partner companies, for their dedication and commitment.

Keeping in mind the opportunities and challenges, this year Hydro Solutions Group intends to accelerate its efforts to improve profitability under the Hydro Solutions Group business plan. Although we will implement a new plan, our longer-term goals remain the same. We intend to continually reinvent ourselves as a progressive, conscientious organization that creates new value and standard as we grow with our business. We intend to work towards our goals with ambition, enthusiasm and initiative leveraging our strengths and ensuring that the company is well integrated and that substantial synergies are realized across the Group, along the entire value chain.

Considering the changing nature of our workforce, we have an urgent need to develop our younger employees. In addition, we must enhance our own individual skills by making best use of the horizontal links between departments and companies and the vertical flows of knowledge and skills from superiors to subordinates and from seniors to juniors. Human resource development and skills transfer shall be our top priorities, along with diversifying our workforce.

Let's create the kind of workplace where everyone thinks of each other and truly works together in harmony. I offer my very best wishes for a prosperous 2024!